Posing in Monte Irvin Orange Park, of East Orange, NJ... at 12:46 PM, on 8/10/22


2:49 PM (9/27/22):

6:53 PM (9/26/22):
"If you're intelligent, you can read between the lines..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[a McChicken (1 of 2), as of 6:16 PM... on 9/26/22]
...I have a high metabolic rate, despite my enhanced 'dietary efficiency'... so, such is arbitrarily 
filling (satiety)... and satisfying (taste)...

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you (Golden Rule)... and refrain from doing 
the same thing, over and over again... expecting different results ('insanity')...

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/100075871800756/videos/324685469471646)

4:50 PM (9/26/22):

4:37 PM (9/26/22):
"Motivational video, narrated by President Barack Obama... I often wonder if my middle brother, JJ,
watches videos of him online... for consolation, of his past (and status quo)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:14 PM (9/26/22):
"An interesting song, that I listened to often... in 2018... such evokes of 'dream attainment'..."

4:00 PM (9/26/22):
"Matthew 19:24..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:11 PM (9/26/22):
"Magical and otherworldly song..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:46 PM (9/26/22):
"...I recall having encountered 'someone' in the past... who had made the 'distinct' 
remark, 'allow me to reintroduce myself'... when I was at Rice University (Fall 2008-Fall 2010)... 
...not sure of his actual name, though... but 'such' stuck with me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:37 PM (9/26/22):
"One is not the same as he/she was today, as had been... yesterday, or the 'following day'... given there
are subtle changes in a person, on a daily basis. The core of who one is, is typically 
developed... in one's childhood and adolescence... guiding one, throughout life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:53 AM (9/26/22): 
"Soothing song, that is quite transportive (dark and nostalgic)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:12 AM (9/26/22):
"A song I used to listen to a lot, cyclically (back-to-back-to-back) and routinely... in 2010..." 
- Michael Izuchukwu

8:01 AM (9/26/22):
"One of my favorite songs, by this artist... I don't typically listen to her songs, but a former roommate
of mine... did so, incessantly..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Some resuming news, about the new world record... which was set in the marathon, in
Berlin, Germany... by Eliud Kipchoge (on 9/25/22), with a time of 2 hours, 1 minute & 9 seconds..."
- Michael Izuchukwu

6:46 AM (9/26/22):
"Plesant and inspiring song... quite invigorating..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:29 AM (9/26/22):
"Some soggy and stale waffles, were served at my dominion... today (for breakfast). I refrained from
taking them, and picked up a glass of milk... but such was 'watered down'... ...'insanity'..."
- Michael Izuchukwu

"Interesting footage from the 1936 Olympic Games, regarding the triple jump competition... The 
champion was Naoto Tajima, with a distance of 16 meters (52'5.75")... a world record, at the time..."
- Michael Izuchukwu

12:03 AM (9/26/22): 
"A nice song, I encountered... moments ago, for the first time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

VIABLE, SCHEDULE (hypothetical): 8PM-11 PM, 6AM-8AM, 12PM-2PM, 5PM-6PM
(daily reset)

8:11 PM (9/3/22):
A song I used to listen to often, during my freshman year... at Rice University (Fall 2008)
...such reminds me of an alternative reality, such as the story of 'Alice in Wonderland'...

8:19 PM (9/3/22)
"There are many paths in life, although some are more genuine... than others, regarding having 'intrinsic value'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:38 PM (9/3/22):
"There is a relationship between space and time, and time has been paralleled with money, and transitively... power (which has been linked to knowledge)... Time cannot be recaptured, so living life in an intrinsic manner... likely requires, one to capitalize on those two former variables..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:51 PM (8/4/22)
[from 'izthewhiz32.blogspot.com']

"You have to push yourself, spiritually, mentally and physically... to go far in life, and beyond such... If you're doing this authentically, then over time... your feedback, tends to become more reliable..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:10 PM (9/3/22):
"I once wanted to be an engineer (mechanical), but ended up becoming a behavioral scientist (regarding my collegiate degree, of behavioral science)... I am not a doctor, in the sense of a 'licensed physician'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:41 AM (9/4/22):
continued at: Chat With shadowdancer333 - Wireclub 
[snapshot of my Wireclub account 'shadowdancer333,' via my cell phone... Via an internet browser on such, you can visit the profile... at the website: (www.wireclub.com/users/shadowdancer333)]

...scheduled to resume at 7:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time...

[A juxtaposition of me at my former apartment complex (Vanguard Crossing), in the summer of 2020... with Amara DiFrancesco, in a stable... sometime in the past]

11:58 PM (6/26/22):

"You can treat your life like a videogame, or go about such... in a different way... We all have roles to play, which influence our destinies... I shall say..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Ultimate Morrowind Guide - Character Creation - YouTube 


10:51 AM (6/27/22):

"When you travel the world, you encounter people... of varying ethnicities, cultural backgrounds and spoken languages... In a sense, some regions share more commonalities... than differences, which may be why the term 'alien' arose... in the context of natives of countries, which contrast... with that, of one's own... There is a difference between 'legal and illegal' aliens (as residents of a country), and 'aliens from outer space (extraterrestrials)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

What’s it like to be Sanna Marin, the young female Prime Minister of Finland? - YouTube

1:04 AM (6/27/22):
"Aftermath of me getting hired for a behavioral contractor job (3:18 PM, on 4/20/22)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6 AM - 7 AM: N/A
7 AM - 8 AM:
"Interesting video advice, for those who may be seeking work opportunities... or making transitions, into new sectors... of the workforce..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"A nice song, I first encountered... in the Fall of 2021, when I had been in Philadelphia, PA..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Interesting video, featuring the song 'Love Nwantinti,' by CKay... such is aslso featured, in the following video (2 months and 7 days elapsed, before the 'song name identification')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
8 AM - 9 AM: N/A
9 AM - 10 AM:
Me posing in my room (1:35 PM, on, 6/19/22)

FREQUENCY: INTERMITTENT (every 5 hours, or so)

9:44 AM (6/28/22):
"Interesting marathon race... There are 26.2 miles, in a marathon... which compares with a cross country race, which is 3.1 miles (5,000 meters)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"I did cross country (junior varsity), for my sophmore and junior year... of high school... and track and field (varsity), for all four years..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Exercise is important, for 'physique maintenance/sculpting'... 
"I wonder why..." - Michael Izuchukwu




10:01 AM (6/28/22):
[On 12/20/16, JJ got in trouble with law enforcement (he was arrested, at 3:25 PM... which is 15:25, in terms of 'military time')... for the transportation of heroin... He was 25 years old, then...]

5:58 PM (6/27/22):
"You've got to believe in God, if you want your dreams... to come true..." - Meditating Woman


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