Couple walking through a park, as the sun... ...sets...

A photo of Denis Vashurin (an asymptotically aging Russian), kneeling... ...with, his cat (sometime, as of 6/1/24)... 

11:14 PM (6/16/24):
Catchy song...


9:51 AM (6/19/24):
Dr. Lydia Pulci (@drlydpulci) | TikTok 

When I 'revisited' this video, I had an inference... Perhaps such was silenced ('involuntarily muted'), because it gives the vibe ('body language-wise')... ...that Dr. Lydia Pulci, is a psychiatrist... someone, who has been incarcerated... such, unravels...


Russian President Putin in North Korea ( 

Moments ago, I logged into YouTube... ...and had the 'above' video recommendation. I zeroed in, on 0:00-0:52... Apparently, an Asian female... ...that slightly resembles the actress 'Winona Ryder (facial features-wise),' is featured... ...and interestingly, in real life... ...Winona Ryder is presently '52' years old (relating to the length, of 'this' video segment)...

SEE: winona ryder - Google Search

Edward Scissorhands - I Love You - YouTube (0:00-0:48) - *from the 1990 film 'Edward Scissorhands'


My roommate, with new headphones ('Cheers brand')... ...that I had gotten him, from a 'Forman Mills' clothing store establishment... They were originally priced for $5.99, but I got them on sale... ...for $3.10...
I made the purchase, at 7:51 PM... ...on 8/18/24 (the alternative, was 'black headphones... ...but they did not have, a price tag)
NOTE #1:
The basis of my purchase, was that my roommate attested... having lost (or damaged) his former headphones, for what arguably is... ...the 'third time'...
NOTE #2:
After using 'them' briefly, he began meditating... his Tasmanian devil shirt...


8:50 PM (6/18/24):

Okra & onions, from the NJ Gourmet buffet (of East Orange, NJ)... of 7:08 PM, on 6/18/24...
(I had not gotten such, in a good while - the small container, had cost $3)


5:07 PM (6/18/24):
"As one gets older, and assuming... ...that one's vector (magnitude & direction) has continued... develop (and 'is still developing')... may be inclined, to relate to places... relation, to people... a greater degree... ...than those places, 'strictly'... 

The life of a human being, could be likened... a stage... a degree... ...and that which he/she does, on such... ...could be considered, his/her performance (a matter, of art... ...some, may say)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:58 PM (6/18/24):
"Wise is he, who thinks in terms of passing centuries... ...rather than, passing decades... ...when seeking, to gauge... ...the things, which have the most intrinsic value... life..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:41 AM (6/18/24):

Random thoughts of mine (which were spontaneous), this morning... ...after a walk, to Monte Irvin Orange Park...:
can humans become angels - Google Search


Do we become angels when we die and go to heaven? ( (response was probably from 'a cynic,' or one... ...concerned, for his/her personal... ...spiritual welfare - the afterlife, is subject... a degree, of ambiguity)


qualities of angels - Google Search

In life, there are pros & cons... ...often, 'a catch'... ...for things/matters... ...and 2 sides, to every coin...

10:52 AM (6/18/24):

Before Genesis - Lucifer's Fall - YouTube (1:26-2:07 & 2:16-2:33)


12:23 AM (6/18/24):
'Alien bodies' put through X-ray machines and CT scans in Mexico (

After watching 'this' video, I had an abrupt idea... ...Perhaps, these 'extraterrestrials' are sleeping... ...and will awaken, in the future...

If they're doing something, other than sleeping... ...and yet, they're not awake... ...such could be an 'unknown' behavior, to humans...


11:49 PM (6/17/24):
"Seconds ago, I had a revelation... Despite the fact, that nearly 6,500 languages... ...are spoken... ...across Earth... ...Jesus Christ ('God the Son') has a special way, of understanding the dialects and thoughts... ...of all humans... ...that He, watches over. By some means, I ascertained... ...that Jesus provides feedback, to the 'spiritually distinguished'... ...regarding whether, they are on... intended path... ...assuming, that 'they' actively are searching... find, such answers..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:40 PM (6/17/24):

"Save me, O God." | Psalm 69 - YouTube

A great prayer (or at least, one... ...that is very... ...introspective & methodical)...


9:04 PM (6/17/24):
Love Calling Earth - YouTube (3:05-3:18)

I was listening to this song, in 2010... my recollection (on a playlist of mine, which no longer exists). My favorite part, is the 'above segment'...


2:41 PM (6/17/24):

I was in Newark, NJ, not too long ago (a couple hours, ago... ...or so)... ...and had gone on a walk, that could be described... tourism. I stopped by a 'Deluxe Diner' establishment (for the first time), where I had been informed... ...that some appealing-looking croissants... ...were each, $3.50 (I did not buy any)... ...I then toured Whole Foods, before touring a 'Blaze Pizza' establishment... ...and then, I walked... to Chipotle... At the Chipotle establishment, I was told there would be a 5-minutes delay... ...for being able to have 'peppers,' with a chicken burrito bowl (given that they were being, prepared)... I ended up, not getting anything... 

Out of curiosity, I then explored a 7-Eleven establishment... ...that was by the intersection, outside (after exiting 'that' Chipotle, and walking... the left)... ...and then I explored, a Cold Stone creamery (I did not get anything there, because a small cup of 'vanilla' ice cream... ...was priced, at $6.99)... ...before, checking out Starbucks.

What I noticed, is that both the 7-Eleven and Starbucks... ...felt like they both had a lot of 'spacing,' within their interiors (as though walking into a room, and objects have 'distance'... ...between them... ...which can lead, to the effect... ...of 'contemplation'). ...My hypothesis, was that this rendering... ...was for the sake, of 'theft deterrence'...

Before catching the train, back to East Orange, NJ... ...I did buy a donut ($1.70), from Dunkin Donuts...

3:51 PM (6/17/24):
$3.50 + $1.70 = $5.20
NOTE #1:
An allusion to 'E.T.,' via an English gematria-based conversion... ...from numbers, to letters...
NOTE #2:
Deluxe Diner, vs. Dunkin Donuts

5:22 PM (6/17/24):
Bird 1: 
Angle: 315-degrees
Motion description: 
'Stealth mode swoop'
Bird 2: 
Angle: 0-degrees 
Motion description: 
'Fast, like a plane'
Birds 3 & 4: 
Angle: 300-degrees
Motion description:
'In quick succession'



10:46 AM (6/17/24):

How to Build for Human Life on Mars | Melodie Yashar | TED - YouTube

A few minutes ago, I had an idea... When watching 0:00-3:05 of the 'above' video, it occurred to me... ...that if one is walking on a different celestial body, other than Earth (such as a 'different planet')... may feel, like one is walking around... a 'very large room'... ...while in, one's spacesuit. 

This is likely the consequence, of the constraints... upon oneself...

I revisit 'this' video, from time to time... ...because, such has a 'music box' feel...


11:18 PM (6/16/24):

I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. - YouTube (3:28-3:46)

Can You Guess The Age Of This Man | Denis Vashurin - YouTube


10:50 PM (6/16/24):

This day happened to be Father's Day. I didn't really do anything, for such (in the context, of my dad being deceased... ...since 10/8/20)... ...but I was proactive (engaging in research-related matters, going for a walk to Monte Irvin Orange Park... ...and speculating, about the future)...

This day, reminded me... ...of the following movie scenes:

Peter Parker meets Norman Osborn - Spider-Man (2002) Movie CLIP HD - YouTube (0:30-0:56)


Spider-Man vs Green Goblin - Final Fight - Goblin's Death Scene - Spider-Man (2002) Movie CLIP HD - YouTube (2:35-3:46)




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